Welcome to eTutoring!
How to log in:
Username:SCC student email example: jdoe888@shawneescc.edu
Password: Saints24 (password is case-sensitive) ** You will need to change your password once you log in.
For example:
Username: jdoe888@shawneecc.edu
Password: Saints24
If you have trouble logging in or forgot your password, please click on Forgot Password and follow the instructions, including entering your @shawneecc.edu email address.
After you’ve filled out the “Forgot Password” form, please check your inbox for an email from eTutoringOnline. If you don’t see an email in your inbox, please check your spam/junk folder and follow the directions in the email.
*****Please Note: eTutoring is now in Central Time! The times you see on the tutor schedule are Central Time too.
Trouble logging in? Mindy Ashby
618-634-3316 option 3